Vector Calculus
1. Course Prerequisites: This course is designed for students who have learned calculus I, calculus II and trigonometry.
2. DayTime: TueSat : 6:30-7:30pm (Tentative)
3. Major Topics to be Covered:
01 Determine the equation of lines, planes
02 Spheres, cylinders, and quadric surfaces
03 Vector function and compute its higher order derivatives
04 The arc length of a vector function and The tangent, normal, binormal
05 Motion velocity and acceleration vectors and curvature for a vector function
06 Limit and continuity of a function of two or three variables
07 The partial derivative, total derivative, directional derivatives
08 Extrema of functions of two and three variables
09 Exact differentials and line integrals
10 Double integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates
11 Triple integrals in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates
12 Green' s Theorem to the solution of line integrals
13 Area, volume, mass and center of mass using double and triple integrals
14 Stokes's and Divergence Theorom